THE JULY REVOLUTION - the protection of the ideas of social justice

Aug 01, 2011 00:54

THE JULY REVOLUTION - the protection of the ideas of social justice

             In July 2011 finally revealed opportunism Zyuganov, reflecting the interests of the bourgeoisie within the Communist movement. Finally evident that Zyuganov seeks to benefit only for himself in harm to the cause of building communism, to save the power and re-enter the State Duma of Russian Federation. Posing as the defender of the working man, and acting on behalf of the Communist party, Zyuganov with the bourgeoisie hinders the passage of the power of the representatives of the working people, giving seats in the Duma representatives of business, what discredits the socialist idea. To do this, out of the Communist Party of Russian Federation expelled activists that, in the elections to legislative bodies on party lists is the abolition of the right to free elections to legislative bodies. Appeals in the courts and other organs of the state make it impossible to protect the right to free elections, and consequently the right to establish laws himself for working people. The most striking example of the abolition of the authorities the right to free elections to legislative bodies - is the example of making and using the election commissions in the 2007 election in Mordovia, the second and nowhere registered voting papers.
             In spite of my presentation to the authorities of the second and nowhere registered voting papers, guilties did not suffer from punishment. Moreover, Merkushkin in whose interest was released this second edition of the voting papers, the president was re-appointed for another term head of the republic Mordovia. These facts testify to the complete abolition of the rights of working people for free elections.
             Conclusions from this - if the authorities did not accepted by any public measures to prevent violations of people's right to free elections to legislative bodies by the example of manufacture and use of electoral commissions in the 2007 election in Mordovia, the second and nowhere registered voting papers and none of the perpetrators to responsibility is not involved, it means second edition of the voting papers did everywhere. Found the existing system of abolition of the rights of the people to free elections to legislative bodies. Accordingly, if the government abolished the right of people to free elections - that and, consequently, there is no recognition of the legitimacy of the government itself with all its consequences.
             At the same time, the bourgeois Zyuganov's Communist Party, began get rid of the Communist Party activists, who unmasked the authorities in the abolition the right of people to free elections. These examples illustrate the coordinated actions of the bourgeois Zyuganov's part of Communist Party against the interests of working people.
             That is why the followers of the teachings of Lenin, as opposed to the bourgeois Zyuganov's Communist Party and for protect the ideas of social justice in July 2011 began to form COMMUNIST MOVEMENT REVOLUTIONARY FRONT (abbreviated - CMRF).
             Here is something to strive for CMRF:
             Is established true power of the people. People's authority shall have the right to implement through his referendum. This means that the people realizes its power through a referendum on which decisions are binding and have the force of law after the official publication of the results of the referendum.Any agreement of other bodies is not required. The essence of the implementation of the power of the people through a referendum that the referendum is an expression of popular will, and the referendum commission only the executive bodies are obliged to facilitate and assist in implementing the people's right to a referendum. Any other use is unlawful, that is punishable.
             Is established the right to free elections to legislative bodies. This means that any restriction of this right is illegal, that is punishable.
             Repealed the presumption of innocence to the official. This means - the official responsible. For example, established the fact that the officer has owned more than officially received revenue - he is must to prove in court that the income earned by legal means. Not proven - then he expects the court and the confiscation of property.
             Repealed the presumption of innocence for the oligarchs have received property from the state. This means that the oligarch has received a cement plant at a reduced rate must prove in court that the cement plant was obtained legally. Not proven - he expects the court and the confiscation of property.
             Repealed statute of limitations for prosecution of government officials, judges and prosecutors. That is, these individuals will must to answer for their actions, which managed to hide with the help of his official position and evade responsibility by virtue of statute of limitation of criminal prosecution.
             Is established the election of judges. This means that judges of all courts will be selected on a competitive basis with the possibility of early withdrawal by voters.
             Changing tax policy and taxes is set according to income level. Completely abolished taxes on all types of income, for providing a living wage, and set a decent living wage. Taxes of big business is set to 90%.
             July 2011 is the beginning and starting point for all subsequent events how the ultimate point of feeling of a lack of protection ideas of social justice in other ways. The name itself - REVOLUTIONARY FRONT of speaks for itself - it is about protecting the idea of ​​social justice through REVOLUTION. This means - the REVOLUTION for to protect the idea of ​​social justice is not only not excluded, but recognized in the prevailing conditions of tyranny and oppression as the most effective way. All the responsibility that people was brought to this state rests on the detaining authorities. At the same time, other methods to protect the ideas of social justice are not excluded, since they allow to expose the true essence of the anti-people regime.

Lawyer Ivan Elaev, Russia, phone: +79510538999, e-mail: 

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