A meme for a Wednesday night

Feb 20, 2008 21:43

Question meme! Caught from coastal_spirit, maker of the best goddamn chili in the whole world, omg.


1. If you HAD to get a tattoo, where would you want it and what would you get?
I would probably get it on my ankle, and I might get swirlies like I draw or shiny droplets.

2. If you HAD to dye your hair which color would you choose?
I would die the front pieces purple! I have a slight urge to do this, but I'm not sure how well it would be received at work.

3. If you HAD to get a piercing (THAT ISN'T YOUR EARS) what would you get?
I think I'd get an eyebrow ring.

4. If you HAD to change your name...what new name would you choose?
April, or an old-fashioned flower name.


5. If you COULD go bungee jumping, would you?
I really don't think I would. Unless I was somehow magically guaranteed the future knowledge that something wouldn't go wrong and I'd break my neck or something.

6. Would you move somewhere else, if you COULD?
I would certainly move to a house out in the countryside! Not particularly a different part of the country, though. I <3 New England. But man, the stupid lights in town and where I live were drowning out the moonlight tonight and I hate it.

7. If you were given the chance to go to Paris, WOULD you go?
Definitely! OMG, Notre Dame and the Louvre.

8. If you found 10 million dollars, and it was YOURS to spend, what would you buy?
I'd buy a house for caitirin and I and a new car. I would pay off both of our school loans and our credit card debt and all of our parents' debt. I would buy Caitirin all the LUSH she ever wanted :) And a Wii. And I would by my mum all the manga and anime she wants and my dad all the camping stuff there could be! And I would buy myself shiny rocks and Sculpey and video games and anime and...

10. Let's say the President called you. How would the conversation go?
Oh man. If we assume that, as this is an entirely fictional situation, I would be eloquent and not incoherent with rage, I would explain to him my views on the separation of church and state, on freedom of thought, and on ignorance, and I would ask him why he hates me for being married to a woman when he doesn't even know me.

11. Lets say you had to eat a tarantula for $1,000...would you?
You know, if it was cooked and seasoned nicely (like coastal_spirit said) and wasn't too gross-feeling... sure.

12. Let's say you could bring one person back from the dead...who would you choose?
If they weren't all mindless and zombified? Shakespeare. "Explain this, plzkthanx, and put all the arguments to rest!"

13. Let's say you could star in any movie (made or in the works) what movie?
Something period, where I would be able to run around both in dresses and in boys' clothes with swords. I'm not sure any actual movies fit that bill. There have to be some. Maybe Twelfth Night?


14. color[s]?

15. current song?
Weiss Kreuz - Sora no Soko

16. shirt you own?
I like lots of my shirts, but for comfort, the long-sleeved grey shirt I got at Reny's Christmas before last.

17. electronic device?
My laptop.

18. movie[s]?
Bwah, tons. Howl's Moving Castle, Dangerous Liaisons, Hamlet.

19. book[s]?
Also tons. Currently - Farewell, My Lovely; American Gods; Chronicles of Amber; Rose Daughter.

20. pair of shoes?
My new Beans clogs!


23. What makes your bedroom unique?
We have art by quirkybird :) We have the bed I slept in since I was probably 3 years old. We have a bureau painted cerulean blue by Caitirin, her mother, and her aunt.

24. Who do you love?
Caitirin, my family, my friends.

25. How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings?
From when I get up to when I get out the door (shower, dress, make lunch) - about 35 minutes.

26. What's your favorite season of the year?
Autumn, early summer. I love all of them, though :)

27. What is the color of the shirt you're wearing?
HA! Let me see. In order from the sleeve's cuff... Purple, blue, light green, olive green, magenta, peach, black, sage green, grey-blue, mint green, orange, red, dark blue. It's a REALLY colorful sweater.


28. What's the last mistake you made?
Driving down Witchtrot Road on the way to my parents' house. Frost heaves, YIKES.

29. Is the sun shining?
Yeah, it's making the moon really lovely :)

30. Can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon?
I can!

31. Do you like text messaging?
I do ^_^

32. Are you having a good/bad hair day?
A pretty good one. Static, though!

33. What was your last purchase?
T_T Half of a new break line for my car.

34. What are your plans for later?
Clean cat box, look at books on Paper Back Swap, go to bed.

35. Who's your celebrity crush?
Uhm. I can't think of anyone o.o

36. Is there any drama in your life?
Nope :)

37. What song do they need to stop playing on the radio?
I hardly ever listen to the radio. And actually, this one station near here plays "random radio" and they don't play the same things very often.

38. Are you content with life right now?
Yeah, mostly :)

39. What is your current obsession?
Reincarnation, Philip Marlowe. RPG video games to some extent ^^;;

41. Do you have a cell phone?
I do. It has a little froggy charm.

42. Ever been kissed under a mistletoe?
I don't think so.

43. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
I try to daily.

44. Ever done a random act of kindness?
I think so, yes.

46. Are your lips chapped?
All the bloody time!

47.Are you currently jealous?
Of people with more inspiration and/or money ^^;;

48. Do you remember your dream last night?
Yes. I dreamed we were trying to move out of my old house and we were packing a bunch of stuff last-minute while the people who were moving in were showing up.

49. Are you mad at anyone?
Not anyone in particular. I'm generally ticked at Voldemoron lately, though >:\

50. What's going on this weekend?
Something... taxes? Christmas thank-you notes?

51. Done any summer cleaning lately?
Not SUMMER cleaning.

52. Anything bothering you?
I cut my side shaving my armpits this morning. Like, an inch and a half long cut. I'm such a genius.

53. Do you get mad easily?
Sometimes at things like video games, not so much at things like people.

54. Did you wish for anything last night on 11:11?
I wasn't awake then!

55. Do you drink coffee on a regular basis?
No, I don't like coffee.

56. Do you wish you were someone else?
Nope :) Being me is pretty nice right now.

57. What jewelry are you wearing?
My wedding ring and two sets of stud earrings.

58. Ate any exotic food lately?
I had breaded tofu and a walnut-feta-apple salad the other night, which was exotic to me.

59. How many contacts do you have on MSN?
I don't have MSN.

60. Are you easily amused?
I like to think so XD

61. Can you lick your elbow?
No! Curses! [[Edit: caitirin: No, but I can lick your elbow!]]

62. Do you know this song, "we fly high, NO lie, you know this"?
O_o Nope.

63. Do you have a crush right now?
My wife :)

64. How is your life going?
It's pretty nice :)

65. What is on your mind just this second?
How I don't like internet jokes that are meant to be socially relevant and witty when they hurt people's feelings and then just respond that those people are too stupid and have no sense of humor when they say that their feelings were hurt.

You know, Weiss Kreuz songs are either sublimely awesome or suck harder than a new Hoover. There's no in-between.


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