Title: Rock Star
Author: elaborationlove
Fandom: Twilight
Characters/Pairings: Jacob/Bella
Rating: G
Summary: Jacob doesn't have a lot to offer.
Author's Notes: Written for
twilight100. My current goal is to write a bunch of drabbles that begin with a lyric from a song chosen at random from iTunes. "Rock Star" by Hannah Montana.
Warning: None.
Disclaimer: I do not own the above mentioned awesomeness.
Word Count: 100
I can even fix the flat on your car. That was his argument.
Edward’s counter argument would be, of course, he can fix a flat on her car in less than ten seconds.
Well. In the world of masculinity, there really wasn’t much coming back from that. Sure, he didn’t have a lot of money. He wasn’t all that smart. But he was good with his hands.
And, though he didn’t mean it like that, there was no reason why it shouldn’t mean both things. And surely being touched there with warm hands was better than having ice down there….