Title: Alice
Author: elaborationlove
Fandom: Twilight
Characters/Pairings: Alice/Edward
Rating: G
Genre: Angst, romance
Summary: Alice watches Edward play piano.
Author's Notes: Written for
Warning: None.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I swear.
Word Count: 100
Sometimes, when she thinks no one is watching, Alice watches Edward play his piano. It amazes her that he’s been at it all these years. It was one thing to be constantly interested in fashion-it was always changing. But to be interested in something so unvarying for so long…
She wishes Edward didn’t have his talent, sometimes. It makes her uneasy when she watches him. He knows, but acts as if he doesn’t. She imagines he does that with a lot of things.
Still, she watches him nights on end.
It’s like a schoolgirl crush.
But so much more.