Title: The Best Song to Listen to When You’re on the Highway
Author: elaborationlove
Fandom: Twilight
Characters/Pairings: Bella
Rating: G
Genre: General
Summary: Bella takes a trip.
Author's Notes: Written for
Warning: BD spoilery.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, I don't own U2 or "Desire".
Word Count: 100
I’ve listened to a lot of music in my life. But nothing ever compares to blasting the perfect song on the high way on a long drive. Usually, that song is “Desire”. U2. Best. Blast-it song. Ever.
Hands down.
I pressure the gas, pushing my engagement anti-bribe.
Driving this fast is exhilarating and scary, and I love it, sort of.
Jealous drivers watch on as I speed past, screaming the words to the song at the top of my lungs. The wind forces through my hair and I wonder if I’ll get caught by cops.
Maybe anti-bribes aren’t so bad.