Title: She Is Beautiful
Author: elaborationlove
Fandom: Twilight
Characters/Pairings: Jacob/Bella
Rating: G
Genre: General, fluff
Summary: Jacob listens to music in the car.
Author's Notes: Written for
Warning: None.
Disclaimer: I own zip. I don't own this song, which, by the way is awesome and is by Andrew W.K.
Word Count: 100
Jacob wasn’t one to listen to any of the harder rock. He just wasn’t into it.
But he couldn’t deny. This was a great song.
It was all wrong, of course, but great nonetheless.
A) Bella was not younger than he was. B) He certainly did have a lot to lose.
He slammed his fist against the steering wheel on beat, the heavy metal prompting it. A slap of the wheel wasn’t enough. His hair swung as he nodded his head which slowly turned into a full on head bang.
The song did get one thing right: she is beautiful.