Title: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Presents: Romeo and Juliet
Author: elaborationlove
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: She told him a thousand and one times not to improvise.
Author's Notes: I had intended to make it longer, but it sort of just ended up...writing itself.
Beta Credit: None.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 389
“Love has more value than any other known object on this earth.”
Hermione panicked. That was not in the script! She told him a thousand and one times not to improvise. She hadn’t prepared for this.
“Love catches you by surprise,” he continued. Hermione realized with horror that he could very well be reading her thoughts at the present. Of course Snape’s pet would have the very tools of Occlumency at his finger tips. “Love is not about thinking or wondering. It is based solely on feeling and doing.” Draco swallowed softly and his eyes darkened with a more intense stare on his opposite. Hermione’s hands trembled within Draco’s. He caressed them with his thumbs comfortingly, glad to see this was having an affect on her. “And trusting,” he added, his eyes still darkening with every passing moment.
Hermione’s nerves were shot. She never should have agreed to do this bloody production. What had she been thinking? Playing opposite Draco Malfoy, even! The whole entire scenario was nearly suicidal and she had every opportunity to avoid it. Draco bloody Malfoy and his stupid improvisation! It was just like him. Hermione avoided his eyes stubbornly. Circe knew what he would pull next.
Her heart seemed to freeze for a moment and skip more than just one single beat as she realized what he had just said. “And trusting.” He expected her to trust him through this…this…whatever he was doing. This occurred to her only shortly before he leaned to her ear.
“Like you should be trusting me. Right now. Here. Go with it.”
Hermione turned her head. And didn’t hesitate. Draco froze. And thawed. He had always wondered how he would initiate their first kiss. How he might lean down tenderly or maybe shove her against the wall. But here she was, once again, never ceasing to amaze him as she initiated their first kiss. He begged whatever higher powers he could think of that this wasn’t just for the audience. Said audience erupted with applause as she pulled away, a flash of uncertainty passing her face before she regained composure.
Draco hurried to get backstage, eager to find the source of her…inspiration.
“What in hell’s fire was that?” he inquired, breathing heavily and whispering with a husky, demanding tone.
“That was me,” she smiled at him. “Going with it.”
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