First off, that title is the first and last time I use "Timboverse" as it works nowhere near as well as Joss Whedon's "Whedonverse."
Alright, technically, that last sentence is the last time I use that word.
So 10 days ago was the last time I graced the interwebs with my ranting and raving in any real form that is longer than
140 characters. It has not been a lack of time or anything, as I have more time now than pretty much ever. I do spend a good portion of my waking existence with my ass planted in this chair, or sleeping in the bed not 5 feet away from it. Translation: I need to get out more.
But I do in fact go out. I mean, I do that weekly Monday bar excursion with my co-workers. I even met a chick there a few week's back, who was as close to perfect as I think I have found in almost a year. I mean, she was cute, we drank the same beer, have the same taste in music. It was cool.
Her boyfriend was pretty cool, too, although she conveniently didn't mention him till after I bought a round. Which has led me to my current High Fidelity-esque view on women: All the good ones are either taken or not into your ever-loveable Timbo. Ah well, that ship will come in. And I'm not the type to let rejection lead to dejection. Life's too short for that emo horseshit.
But it's not all depressing bar run-ins in the Timboverse (I know, I know... I said I wouldn't do it again, but it's addictive!). The fact that the rest of the moving world has left me alone has given me time (as I said before), and for a change I have begun utilizing some of it for something. Er, things, rather.
For starters, writer's block has finally given way, and I'm now simultaneously working on two projects: The first is Sex With Dead People, my satirical vampire story for people like me, who hate all this gothy over-romanticized crap, and would like our dark fictional archetypes portrayed with some sort of human edge and insecurities. Because let's face it, if I were a damn vampire, I highly doubt I'd spend all of my free time brooding. I mean, I own an Xbox, after all, I'm sure I'd still play me some Prototype.
The other project is even geekier than the first... I'm finally working on the Call of Cthulhu module that I have been saying I'd work on for like the last 18 months, all in hopes of rocking it out at Carnage some year. So needless to say, it's not gonna be ready for this Carnage, but I think I'll have to give it a spin at lucky 13 next year.
And that is the big one for me. My favorite weekend of the year is fast approaching in the form of Carnage 12. I don't game every second at this, and have really let my gamer side of my geekdom fall to wayside in the last year or so, but this weekend always brings new excitement into it for me. Of course it always helps that I'm surrounded by literally EVERY one of my closest friends... That helps a lot.
Although, I'm gonna end this one on a bummer. I'm not gonna make my niece's birthday this year. This will be the first one I have ever missed, and it's breaking my heart. I'll just have to make up for it come the holidays, I guess. But still, I just hate not being there.
That's about it from here, as I purge the thought tanks. Adios, space monkeys!