Nov 14, 2006 19:27
the inspectors insist these factories have certain signs
the first one i noticed warned about how loud the factory is and encouraged ear plug use.
it was pointed out to me by one of our QC guys (jon) and he said it's such a joke - and clearly this thing is up for inspector purposes, it's (a) the only bright red thing in the place (b) translated into english
so later on we saw more of these funny signs . .
dangerous is translated to danerons
do not light a match was translated to do not fireworks
and then i see TIXE and i couldnt help but laugh outloud
i think i just needed some relief to a very long day
what's even funnier is that another QC guy (michael) notices something interesting about TIXE and reaches over, peels it off and finds EXIT underneath
maybe that didnt come off as funny but after a very long day of 'touring' factories, seeing these conditions.. trying to understand that it is cheaper to pay 12 ppl here than one person in the states (you see better, more efficient equipment is available but it failed in the US b/c ppl still bought from China), smelling the putrid odors of glue and thermo plastic rubber . . .
i've only spent 1 day @ factories and i feel quite drained.