It's been a very, very, very long time.........

May 13, 2005 20:30

I think I haven't updated LJ in almost a month. Idk just kinda semi-forgot about it/didn't feel like/just didn't. So now I finally am and I'm gunna start to update for frequently cuz I like LJ even thought everyones going to myspace.

So where to begin. Florida in 6 days. 6 Days!! It came so quick. I remember when people were saying "oh florida in 3 weeks" and now its only 6 little days. Florida is gunna be soo much fun. I'm kinda upset about being on bus C, but im not gunna make a parade out of it, unlike some people. I do know people on my bus so it's not gunna be something thatr ruins the trip. And maybe we could get a little drama on our bus and make things interesting. Cuz I've heard about a room that really tried to get off but couldn't and rn't really good friends with other people on our bus...anyway its a long confusing story that im not about to type out on LJ.

Moving on, school. I cant believe its almost a month left..well in like a week n a half it will be. But with Florida, school will fly by. Im definately glad school will be over and i'll be halfway done with high school already. This year was awesome. I think I got closer to some people. I'm gunna miss a certain few next year, which is kinda a downside to this schoolyear ending.

So as for actual school. Ms. Pellegrini our student teacher for history left earlier this week. At first i didn't like her...but as time went by i think she is a really cool teacher who I really wished would've stayed. So now its back to ms. Moore :/. Sumthin that was bothering me was this project we just did in that class. It was a Powerpoint about the 60's n 70's so anyway for the first 2 days Moore n Pellegrini would grade us and then average the two scores together. So in the order people were going I had to go on the 3rd day, the day Pellegrini was gone. SO anyway when people got their grades Pellegrini's grade would always be much higher than Moores. On Tajs papers Pellegrini gave his a 100 and Moore about an 85 i think. How is one teacher gunna see a presentation and think its a 100 and another think its an 85? Anyway when I got my grade sheet back i got a 85 from moore so thats wat i'm gunna have to keep. but i could've gotten a definate A if pellegrini graded it too. And Moore was soo unfair about the grades she gave. I think wat happened to two certain people was bullshit..the things Moore wrote on their papers for the reasons why their grades were the way they were was ludacris.

Anyway, moving on to more classes, english is always a fun class. I think Ms. Toto is getting a little fed up with Me, Dan, Jose, and maggie always talking but w/e, we like to have fun, and Ms. Toto's cool as hell. Chem is a back and forth class. Somedays i really like it. I think Mr. Valentine is really cool n funny. but sumdays, hoyl shit, its sooooo boring!! like today, it got to the point where my brain psyically couldn't pay attention anymore cuz it got soo boring. So anyway, Spanish. I. HATE. THAT. CLASS. it is sooo annoying to go their. Sierra is soo annoying. That class is seriously a nightmare. she ruined the class when she came in for Gallagher (who i miss). SO Algebra and Broadcasting r fine. I love algebra and my class, everyday theres always something funny happening.

So onto a better note, I got my permit!!! I got it on May 7 (i think) so thats cool/good as hell. No accidents or big troubles yet, hopefully i won't have them at all. And I did find out I am #6 in my class as of now. Hopefully in the next two years I could bring myself into the top 5, but whoknows. Im still souped to be #6. And congrats to the other Top ten people and everyone else who is getting them high grades. SO the DVD of Grease should be gettin mailed today. Im souped cuz I still never really got to see the play acept from a small little monitor with no sound. I miss Grease soo much. I loved the whole play experience. I'm definately trying out next year and senior year. And I put down Musical Theater for my classes next year so hopefully I'll get in.

I saw this on Coll's LJ so I decided to do it:
A - Age you got your first kiss: 12

B - Band listening to right now: none

C - Crush: well theres a few people..

D - Dad's name: Ralph

E - Easiest person to talk to: my cousin Jason

F - Favorite Group at the moment: Ummm no really FAVORITE group at the momement

G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Niether.

H - Hometown: Rahway

I - Instruments: I'd really like to learn how to play the guitar and piano

J- Junior High: RMS all the way

K - Kids: None

L - Longest car ride ever: Florida

M - Mom's name: Lillian

N - Nationality: 100% Italian

O - One wish: To be able to live my American Dream

P - Phobias: Umm...idk

Q - Quote:

R - Reason to smile: My friends

S - Song you sang last: "You Make Me Sick" Pink

T - Time you woke up [today]: 7:00 AM-ish

U - Unknown fact about me: I think people see me a shy, quiet person...but inside I think I have a big temper that comes out when I'm pushed over my limits.

V - Vegetable you hate: Spinach

W - Worst habit(s): I dont really have a bad habit

X - X-rays you've had: I cant remember

Y - Yummy food: Pepperoni Roll

Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio

By the way, Prom is actually getting pretty close. That is gunna be such a fun time I cant wait!!
Okay well im getting hungry, Im gunna go get something to eat. Leave a comment ;)
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