Mar 02, 2005 15:06
OK so first let me start with another thanks to Christie for the new icon. I still need to make a cool one wit writing and everything, but that will come later. OK so now ill let you all know about my nice weekend. First we'll start wit Saturday morning, at 11:00 we had Grease Practice, that was always fun as usual. So after the practice I got a ride from Taj home and then again to Linden Lanes (thnx Taj) for the cast bowling party. That was a lot of fun. Me, Kaity, Chris, and Taj were playin against Steven, Mellissa, Harold, and i can't remember the other person for some reason, but anyway, as the first game started we knew we were gunna win. Chris won the first game, but for our second game i jus kept gettin strikes n spares, i was too souped wen i got a turkey and i ended up having the highest score out of anyone there there so that was cool.
So after the bowling party my dad picked me up and we headed right to Shawnee Pennslyvania. So we arrived at about 7:30ish and my cousin, Nicky, and his friend, Luke, were playing Monopoly and my mom, uncle Al, grandparents, Jen, Colleen, and my cousin, jason, playing Tripoly. After i got settled Me, Jason, Jen, n Coll went upstairs and played Life. During our game my little cousin and his friend come in and he starts talking like all this shit and annoying people. So me n Jay kinda told him off and told him to go away, so anyway Coll (that bitch, jk lol) won life and we all went downstairs and ate sum dinner. After dinner everyone, except Nick and Luke, played Scategories, that was funny as hell. The best was wen my grandma wrote all "L" words while we were doing "W" my dad was laughing so hard vains were popping out of the head , it was hillarious. So after that we just kinda chilled and then Me, Jay, Nick, and Luke played Kiss-opoly (monopoly, but about the band Kiss) and i couldn't take it anymore, it was getting so long and boring. And like it wasn't even made by the monopoly company so i called it a "f*cking piece of shit, bootlegged, high priced, sold on the streets of NYC, game" and quit. During that time my uncle ordered sum dominos at like 11:00 and i was shocked wen i looked up and saw this part of a movie that the adults were watching and this lady was on a highway and crashed and her 5-year old son went flying right through the winshield. So after we all had sum Dominos everyone kinda went to bed, Me, Jay, Col, Jen, n my parents were all in one room. So my parents wanted to go bed but the kids didnt so we were all plain around n laughing, n I crawled over to my parents bed and scared the both of them. [Eeeewww! LMAO]. So then everyone eventually feel asleep.
So now on Sunday morning we all were up at about 9:30 and on cell phones trying to get Mets opening-day tickets, though we didnt get them :). So then my dad, uncle Al, Nick, and Luke all went for a walk and Me, Jay, Jen, and Coll played Life again, and again Coll won (u bitch!) so then we went to Callies Pretzel and Chocolate factories. The pretzels were banging, but we weren't there for too long. So then we went over to the chocolate factory, there soo much there, i love those peanut butter eggs. So then we watched Callie do a presentation on how he makes he chocolate things. That was funny, he was yelling and taught Coll to cure hic-ups by putting a pencil in her mouth and drinking water (its crazy but it worked :/) So after we all came home and my uncle Al, Nick, and Luke left. So then Me, Coll, Jay,. n my parents went to the Rec Center (Jen was napping n cooking) While we were there we played in the arcade (Cruisin Exotica, lol Coll) Coll was taking pix n it was funny. So then us three walked back to the villa and we played Scategories before dinner. After dinner, everyone sat down and watched the Oscars. jen and coll made these Oscars Bingo game they got off line and bought these corny prises, so that was fun. After that it was around midnight and Me, Jay, Jen, n Col went upstairs. Jen and Coll were in the other room watching TV so me n Jay were in the other room and decided to put my suitcase under there matress and sandals in coll's pillowcase. So then we were gunna jus tell them not to turn the lights on wen they came in and then go to lay on the bed and just go sliding off, but then Coll and my dad came in and me n jay tried to sit on the bed to hide the fact that there was a suitcase under the matress so then Coll found out sumthin was wierd n was dying wen she saw the suitcase, so then Jen came in and we all layed down. Me n Jay kept scaring the girls. and one time as we were all talking i didnt say anything so the girls would think i was crawling over to their bed but i really wasnt n my sister sits and screams :Sal get the fuck away from me! n Jay turns the light on and she sees me just calmly laying the bed, we were all cracking up. So then we just all chatted for a while and then feel asleep.
Monday morning was kinda short, we all got up and ate breakfast (every combo of Pork Roll, Egg, and Cheese LMAO!!) So then Me, Jay, Jen, n Coll played Life for the last time. Then we all packed, took sum pix, and left.
So then Tuesday we had a snowday which was nice so i got a five day weekend (we had friday off n I was still in Shawnee on Monday) but we still had Grease practice. Now were starting at the union county arts center, the set was there it looks sooo cool. N im soo souped im in the front for all the songs im in. But anyway i was thinking about Grease and the fact that its only about a week away, its soo crazy, im soo excited though. Come to see it March 11, 12, n 13 at the union county arts center. get sum tix at the UCAC.
ok as for school. UGH! frigin history class. like i just found out our spring break project, there is no relevance to history in it what so ever! its soo gay n annoying. the teacher is soo annoying. and as for spanish thats kina blah. like the teacher needs me to bring in a note saying that i was in Shawnee on Monday, like wtf, i doesn't matter where I was, i missed school n thats it period. I dont need to prove anything to ur ass. Ok well im gunna go. I've typed enough.
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