ºthe end result.prepare for the beginning of the new project.backpedaling beats with distorted chicano licks.accompanied by the dark flamenco of an acoustic guitar.dont forget the bass that also spreads like a fully automatic gun.cantwait...what are we gonna call ourselves...???º
wake up late.youfool.yeah so it seems this morning my alarm of the usual NPR didnt come into mind till i heard the buckling of my loves belt.opened my eyes and saw the time 8:10am.7:11am.should of been up.FUCK.dropped her off at the usual spot.bus dropping of special ED.wait till its hazard lights go out.right in view a school copper awaits.presents himself out of the vehicle and directs traffic as we all planted ourselves on the street.approached and requested that i lowered my window and says...:this is not a drop off point.next time it will be a sitation.i said sarcastically "oh yeah!" wow...and took off like a bat out of hell.school cops...maybe they should come out with a spin off from COPS and just base it out of school.enforcement.nah.anyways.working tonight.4pm=9pm...anyone care for a FREE sub...? come on over tonight...fountain drinks on me....
p.s.the NO one.doesnt give up so easily.rabbit cheeks bounce as her mouth opens and hides behind her eyes.might as well openly tell her to FUCK OFF...offthefriendslisttonight...wish shed remove me as well.YOUR WISH IS GRANTED...end...