Sep 29, 2009 21:41
So i hate mexican day in band, we ran, and marched right after, horrible. Now usually my titles are meaningless, but the topic is seriously tht. nopt caring bout what people think, bout who ta talk to, its great, but when i dnt care and go to my dot in band, i get yelled at and it pisses me off. Because i know a shit load of my dots, and i always get yelled at for trying to make them, and today, i attempted to guide a wee bit, it managed fairly but i still got yelled at, so i went with the dot thing. oh yea, apparently im the only person in percussion tht remembers everything crawdaddy says. band is gettin on my nerves, but i love it too much to jus quite. if i started freshmen year maybe i would be listened to more, because i know dots, i read them during math class usually, and i remember everything that my instructers tell me, because im scared shitless when they're pissed. but no, chrishop gives me shit, squirl's trying to tell me to do everything that he doesnt do (weird thing is, he was bitchin ta donovan for doin the same shit). oh yea, and chrishop only gives me shit, like he tells me not to play when i do nd we're not supposed to, but when squirl does it its fine, and friggen we're supposed ta make a W thts parallell to the snares and tenors W, me nd amanda go to our right spots, not squirl nor chrishop, chrishop looks at amanda, laughs, and allines with her, he looks at me, and tells me tht i should be with squirl when he's nowhere near parrallell to the snares. grawl, ok back to not caring.