Grad School Astrobiology Programs

Nov 10, 2007 21:44

Now that I'm researching Grad schools to go to I'm running into the question of what I want to get my Masters or PhD in. Its going to be something like Microbiology or Genetics, most likely.

Yet, Im also very interested in the emerging field of Astrobiology. Doing some research (mainly wikipedia) has offered interesting results into universities that offer astrobiology concentrations or dual-degree programs. You have to enroll into one of their graduate programs in say, microbiology, but then you can pick up this special astrobiology concentrion/degree. So far I know that Penn State, University of Arizona, and University of Washington offer these programs.

This would be fantastic. It would integrate my main field of study (Bio) into something that I really love (astronomy) for the main reason why I find it so interesting - just because of the possibility of other life. I could always get a job doing research at a biotech company - but imagine if I end up working for NASA's Astrobiology Institute....

Its at least something very much worth pursuing. I'll problably end up applying to all three of those schools.
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