Homecoming Night and the Days previous to it....

Oct 03, 2004 01:46

weeeellll! here's the deal. I know not many people will read this so i guess it's ok to write it. if you haven't already noticed, I kinda have a little crush on a person we'll call Bob. (for those of you who know who the F i'm talking about great! if not bummer!) Now bob and I have become very good friends this year and have grown very close! He has been there to flirt with me and just all around be an awsome friend. Now I've become rather attached to Bob and for a while he seemed attached to me. He held my hands and did all the normal flirty stuff you do with girls when you like them. and I responded with all the normal flirty stuff girls do when the kinda like a guy too.
Now i know what all of you who know the real bob are thinking, Holly duh girl you are taken you know this right!! and the answer is yes I remember that I'm taken and that i'm prolly gunna marry David, but I am a habitual flirter and I can still crush on guys can't I?? well i know that most grown married adults, though they love thier spouses, crush on others and think others are cute still. and my bf is 420 miles away in a 6 1/2 hour car drive away and I miss him more than anything in this whole planet. But there is nothing I can do to change my personality and my feelings.
So the rest of the story on Bob is he decided that he was going to ask another girl to homecoming, which is fine!!!, while also promising me at least one dance. when we ( my dates and I) finally caught up with him all hw could tell me about was how much he liked his date. Which is great i hope you like your date Bob but i don't want to hear it after you spent the last two weeks flirting with me!!
I understand if you don't want anything to do with me and I know that nothing will ever happen between us but at least be decent about it! Don't make me feel like shit! I already have enough to deal with without this, THANKS!!
Now I feel better thank you all for listening!

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