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Jun 08, 2010 00:06

Hooray! First rehearsal went well! Well, barring one actor who was a no call no show? Not sure what's going on there, but I'm sure there was a reason for it. We were missing a few members of the Children's Chorus as well, but we have the bulk of them there with our adult cast. I have a grand total of 32 kids and 28 adults in the show. Go go go Joseph indeed!

So, the summer is officially off to a running start.

I had to correct all the paperwork with the weekend cast changes, and send those out to be copied this morning. Thankfully, we got them back in time in order to put together actor packets (schedules, calendars, contact sheets, bio forms, emergency information forms, more contact sheets and wallet cards, etc.) for rehearsal this evening.

We got our first rehearsal space taped out today, despite some setbacks with our spike tape. The order from almost 2 weeks ago never came in, so I had enough spike tape in my personal stash to lend a few roles to the cause (to be replenished when the real spike tape arrives). We'll put down dance numbers (marks every few feet on the front of the stage to allow for spacing and blocking here) tomorrow and add a few more tape lines and things. Hope the shop has gaff tape: I am completely out, and have no solutions if the shop doesn't have any. Could get interesting!

I have a lot of paperwork to do tomorrow, but overall, I feel like the first rehearsal went fairly well, and I got to hear the cast sing through the show for the first time. I figure if my ASM can handle fixing up the floor, I can get the production meeting agenda all figured out and update some more paperwork. I also need to get in touch with our wayward actor and figure out why he missed rehearsal. And update my actor email list. And check in with that one actor about some conflicts. And maybe organize my desk. And probably about 20 other things I haven't thought of yet.

I am however proud of myself today, as I left my office for about 30 minutes and went and got lunch with an actor of mine who was helping me out for the day on floor taping and actor packet stuffing. I'm making strides towards not living in my office all the time. This is kind of my goal for the summer, as there needs to be a separation, however slight, from work and well, not work.

In other applaud-able efforts, I've read two books in the past two weeks. Alice Borchardt's "The Dragon Queen" was okay. I really enjoyed "The Silver Wolf," but I've had a hard time getting into some of her other books. I also read "Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned" by Wells Tower (he had a book reading in Iowa I went to) and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's this collection of short stories about people whose lives have not turned out as they wanted with the occasional cliffhanger or just disappointing ending, but it was a rather delightful short read, and while I didn't laugh, it made me realize in perspective that my life isn't actually as bad as I sometimes may think it is.
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