And the Cat Didn't Even Eat the Couch!!

Mar 21, 2010 22:31

I left him alone for three days and came back to find nothing destroyed. Hooray!

I got back from Minneapolis earlier, where I got to tour and see productions at both the Children's Theatre Company and the Guthrie, which were both incredible. Definitely considering moving to Minneapolis after graduation, as I found I rather liked the town. It's kind of what I imagine Detroit must have looked like in its heyday, and there were some very cool buildings downtown with very interesting architecture.

Overall, I had a really good time (despite some in-fighting amongst the graduate stage managers, although we eventually split into two factions which solved a lot of issues). It was kind of dumb, with the fighting, as it started with one 3rd year harping on me for my "terrible" driving of the rented van up to Minneapolis. Note that it was 8 am, and NO ONE else (including her) volunteered to drive, and all of them (5 in total) were content to fall asleep in the van and leave it to me to figure out directions and whatnot. And the other one who was supposed to be helping me navigate tuned out to her ipod. Very helpful. Note the sarcasm.

So, we got there, and I got reamed out about my driving by this one bitch, but stayed very calm and friendly about it and refused to get mad. Getting mad would just be pointless anyway. Essentially the teams were me, T & M on one side, and E, J & G on the other. (E being the unhelpful navigator & G harping about my driving.) So, I switched into the car that T drove and stuck with them. T has a very restrictive diet (can't eat MSG, which is in EVERYTHING!!) so we needed to find special food for her, which drove the other team crazy for some reason, and then M started having some issues with flareups of a pre-existing condition, so she was having trouble walking, which pissed the other team off more. I gave up trying to make peace, and just tried to stay cheery and get along as best I could with everyone. So ridiculous.

G was on my nerves because she was complaining about my driving. Yes I drive fast. My motto is "drive it like you stole it" with thanks to my mother. J is generally always on my nerves. E was on my nerves because she kept complaining about how she had no money and was bringing food with her to eat and blah blah blah because she just spent 2 grand on a trip to Greece in August. She CHOSE to spend this money. She SAVED UP for this trip, and CHOSE to spend this money. And she wouldn't shut up about it. The whole 'effin trip. Guess what bitch? I just spent almost 2 grand on car repairs. I DID NOT have that saved up, and DID NOT CHOOSE to spend that money voluntarily. I will NOT be taking a vacation with that money later on. And when I mentioned this to her, she completely ignored me and went on about how broke she was for a trip she CHOSE to go on. Can you tell why I'm a bit pissy here?

Anyway, saw a really cool production of "Brief Encounters" at the Guthrie, which used projections in a fantastic way! People stepped through the screen and then would appear in the projection. Awesome! Also, there was a part where a train enters the station and pulls away, and they pulled a white curtain across stage and the train projection was racing in the direction the curtain was going, so it looked very very cool! And the best part is we were able to get rush tickets, which saved a LOT of money (like, $25 vs. $65).

So, even though I had to spend major money on my car earlier this week, I was really good financially on this trip and only ended up spending about $80 for three days worth of food and show tickets for the Guthrie and parking. I felt pretty darn good about that, and notice that I DID NOT spend the whole trip complaining about having no money boo hoo poor me pity me pay attention to me? Yeah.

Still no updates on summer work. I'm hoping I get Summer Rep here, but I'm doubtful. The paycheck would help a lot towards paying off the car repairs on the credit card. If not, I'll probably start putting in for part time retail work or night stock or something at a bunch of the retail stores around here. There might be something up at the mall if I get really lucky, or I can always try at one of the big box hardware stores and see if they might hire me as I definitely have the background for the work. I'm sure whatever happens, it will all work itself out alright. It usually does.

At least all my car issues happened before tech week. For the fact alone that all of this happened during spring break, I am eternally grateful to whomever might be looking out for me upstairs.

So, my very cuddly cat is now super very cuddly because there has been no one around here for several days. I have a feeling that every time I'm in the apartment for the next week, I'm going to end up with a cat attached to me somehow. He's currently curled in my lap pretending to sleep. I know he's still awake because his tail is twitching and he's purring much too loudly to be asleep for real.
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