(no subject)

Mar 13, 2010 01:42

I can't sleep. So I managed to pull myself out of bed, fire up the computer, and pop on here to share this with the world. I'm so close to spring break I can taste the copious quantities of alcohol that I am likely to consume (the tech schedule last weekend only ate up about a 5th of my 5th of whiskey, so there's still a good portion in the bottle to get me through the week). I realize that while I'll never be an alcoholic, stress and the theatre lifestyle do not by themselves incline me towards blatant sobriety either.

I do however have a lot of work to get done this week, and so I've promised that I'm going to apply myself very hard to my work, in order that I can continue to get good grades and prove to myself that I am occasionally intelligent. I've been having a few bouts of doubts about this. That, and I feel like I've made some less than stellar decisions lately, but I think I always feel a little that way.

I'm still waiting to hear back about summer employment stuff, and no word on that yet, so everything is up in the air once again. I'm sure I'll figure something out. I'm pretty resourceful most of the time, so I figure even if I end up working part time in retail or something, I'll be just fine. I've managed to save up a goodly portion of my assistantship checks so far this year & the overhire shop work helped a lot, so I'm not completely up the creek without a paddle if I need to take a pocketbook hit this summer. So yeah.

The cat hasn't been the best of company lately, because although he's cuddly, it's on his terms. Very cat-like, I know.

I've been listening to a lot of music lately, but this has continued to make me happy. A lot of new bands for me at any rate. I'm currently digging on Owl City and Passion Pit. I've been listening to more downtempo-esque music of late. Perhaps I'm mellowing out a little more, or just appreciating the contrast to my hectic lifestyle a bit more. Either way, I'm enjoying it all.

I think my goal for spring break is going to be doing some Iowa exploration in addition to work. I definitely need to pick me up some cheese from Kalona, and maybe I'll take part of a day and go thrift store shopping in Cedar Rapids or something. Part of me wants to get away and needs to get of me, and part of me is drawn back here like a magnet.

K. I think I'm going to go to bed now. Or at least lay there and pretend to sleep.
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