Mar 13, 2005 22:40
fix. TAKS.
kindalost999 (10:21:46 PM): these TAKS sheets are retarded.
kindalost999 (10:21:52 PM): why do we even have to do them
OsTeR224 (10:21:57 PM): lol
OsTeR224 (10:21:59 PM): yah
kindalost999 (10:22:24 PM): i hate even more the lack of knowledge that is expressed in the average American
kindalost999 (10:22:28 PM): take Doris for example.
OsTeR224 (10:22:29 PM): lol
OsTeR224 (10:22:30 PM): true that
kindalost999 (10:23:30 PM): Doris had a circular garden with a radius of 30 feet. She used all of the fencing from the circular garden to enclose a square garden. Doris was dancing wildly that day because she learned geometry.
OsTeR224 (10:23:40 PM): hahah
kindalost999 (10:23:56 PM): we can easily make that situation more realistic.
OsTeR224 (10:24:21 PM): lol
kindalost999 (10:25:09 PM): Tyrone was dealing crack in 2 square blocks of downtown to 14 year old delinquents.
OsTeR224 (10:25:43 PM): hahaha thats beliveable
kindalost999 (10:25:53 PM): Tyrone hears sirens 4 square blocks away, so he runs at a steady pace of 7.5 mph. The police drive at a speed of 70 mph.
kindalost999 (10:26:01 PM): When will Tyrone be straight busted?
OsTeR224 (10:26:29 PM): hahahah
OsTeR224 (10:26:37 PM): thats actually nice
kindalost999 (10:26:46 PM): without the use of a calculator i can tell you it'd be about 5.6 seconds.
kindalost999 (10:26:57 PM): Tyrone needs to find an alley, fast.
OsTeR224 (10:27:23 PM): nah, he wont, the nearest is 1.2 blocks away
kindalost999 (10:27:33 PM): he'll get there in time.
OsTeR224 (10:27:42 PM): lol
kindalost999 (10:27:47 PM): you also have to consider the fact that the police drivers partner has coffee.
kindalost999 (10:27:59 PM): when the police were peeling out, it was spilled all over the driver
OsTeR224 (10:28:03 PM): ohhh and the doughnuts
kindalost999 (10:28:09 PM): this gives Tyrone a 1.6 second advantage.
OsTeR224 (10:28:17 PM): lol
kindalost999 (10:28:24 PM): with that initiative he might just duck into the alley before sighted.
kindalost999 (10:28:36 PM): however, Tyrone trips over a young crack addict.
OsTeR224 (10:29:11 PM): and spills his crack everywhere, and is frantically snorting it up
kindalost999 (10:29:30 PM): his snorting rate is 578 mph.
kindalost999 (10:29:35 PM): he snorts like the wind.
kindalost999 (10:29:40 PM): will he make it to the alley in time
OsTeR224 (10:30:06 PM): lol
kindalost999 (10:31:14 PM): will he?
kindalost999 (10:31:22 PM): it all depends on your answer
OsTeR224 (10:31:43 PM): hmm
OsTeR224 (10:31:45 PM): nope
kindalost999 (10:31:49 PM): racist.
kindalost999 (10:31:58 PM): you're just saying that cause his names Tyrone
kindalost999 (10:32:02 PM): yes, he'll make it!
OsTeR224 (10:32:03 PM): its because the younggin fights him for it
kindalost999 (10:32:08 PM): HAHAHAAHAHAHA
kindalost999 (10:32:22 PM): HAHAHAHAHA
kindalost999 (10:32:28 PM): imagine driving by and seeing that
OsTeR224 (10:32:36 PM): lol
OsTeR224 (10:32:40 PM): that would be awesome
kindalost999 (10:32:43 PM): the younggins rate of snortation is a mere 341 mph
OsTeR224 (10:33:18 PM): and the weight of the youngin is 100 lbs, and jumps to a height of 5 ft
OsTeR224 (10:33:26 PM): will he break the dealers back?
kindalost999 (10:33:48 PM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHa
kindalost999 (10:34:07 PM): damn this problem is a doozy.
kindalost999 (10:34:13 PM): why can't TAKS be like this
OsTeR224 (10:34:24 PM): hahah ni kiddin!
kindalost999 (10:34:27 PM): Texas Assessment of Academic Skills.
OsTeR224 (10:34:38 PM): and shit yo
kindalost999 (10:34:38 PM): knowing that shit is a skill. it helps you live on the streets.
OsTeR224 (10:34:40 PM): lol
OsTeR224 (10:34:44 PM): takss
OsTeR224 (10:34:49 PM): y
OsTeR224 (10:34:50 PM): takssy
kindalost999 (10:35:46 PM): TAKS= Tactical Assortment of Krack-stash Skeels.
OsTeR224 (10:36:33 PM): hahah
OsTeR224 (10:36:35 PM): yessss
kindalost999 (10:36:38 PM): i would have such a higher respect for Texas if they made a standardized test like that
kindalost999 (10:37:02 PM): ok, now i have to fucking help out dumbshit Doris
OsTeR224 (10:37:09 PM): lol
mICEeATcheESE117 (10:32:36 PM): i say, tyrone stabs a cop and gets 20 - 30 years but gets out on parole after 5, he goes on a rampage killing the jury that convicted him, the judge that sentenced him, the attourney against him and the attourney that lost the case for him BUT he doesnt kill the balif b/c its his home dawg, so tyrone easily gets the chair after is mad rampage
kindalost999 (10:33:25 PM): however, tyrone has about 16 brothers.
kindalost999 (10:33:33 PM): 4 of which are also named Tyrone
mICEeATcheESE117 (10:33:58 PM): do u mean real brothers or like home dawg brothers?
kindalost999 (10:35:10 PM): both
kindalost999 (10:35:16 PM): it's a assortmen
kindalost999 (10:35:17 PM): t
mICEeATcheESE117 (10:39:00 PM): damn then the chair is a set up and a swat van comes crashing through the wall and 10 black men w/ masks jump out w/ ak's mac 10 ands m4 and kill everyone 'cept tyrone they then began a high speed chase towards mexico where they have a house full of crack which is wat started this problem in the first place, but the only problem is they are in central california and have a long drive till mexico so now the problem becomes about gas, speed and all that junk
kindalost999 (10:40:08 PM): not to mention the tenseness of Tyrone, the judge, the 10 black men, and the driver with the abscence of crack for the road.
kindalost999 (10:40:10 PM): travel crack
mICEeATcheESE117 (10:41:01 PM): true BUT the driver is on speed...