Mar 30, 2012 12:20
Can I just say that I hate the way Amazon hid the sign-in button for old Shelfari users? Like what the fuck dude? Okay, so admittedly I didn't read those lines at the bottom like "New to Shelfari" etc., and that I stupidly did not understand that "sign in with your Amazon account" but seriously,it's a log-in page and I was thinking logging in using my old e-add would still suffice. I belatedly knew it won't do to log in using that page when I've tried basically every single email address I've made since I was in high school (which was a handful) and every password that I've come up with and none worked. Seriously Shelfari and Amazon, you can't even make a double panel lay-out for a sign-in page for your new and old users? Or better yet a sign in link for old users visible at the header? The fuck is wrong with you??
(and after all these rants, I still use it.)
shelfari woes