addicted, you might say.

May 13, 2004 22:27

Things are so weird right now. Unpredictable. Tumultuous. Epiphanies abound!

I just think it's funny.
GIRL: I'm so afraid of being abandoned!
GUY: Umm ok, I'm going to go talk to this other girl but don't worry, you'll come right after her, promise!

You know I'm only kidding. I know what you're thinking...but if anyone should feel bad, it should be me. And I don't. Okay?

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?! I just don't get it. How could this happen (not saying it's a bad thing)? Don't ask me what this means later, you know that it's about you.

Ahhh I feel so much better now.

I'm a muthafuckin p.i.m.p. !!! And rain is aweeeeeeeeeeesome. Kick assssssssss.
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