By request. I hope this doesn't turn into just me posting a frame from a random movie and calling it a post. I like writing; i like feeling as though i can make myself somewhat coherent, and how i sometimes have opinions on things. I do not want this turning into another fun-filled, single line, heightened-mystique-through-internet-ambiguity thing.
There's a prize for whoever can guess which movie.
Beastie Boys - Ill communication.
from my mother's ex-boyfriend to me $0.00
Mum used to go with this guy Michael. He was ok, i guess. He played bass in an Angels cover band, so he had that against him, but he was ok. He had just been through a divorce and mum had just been through this guy Chris, so both were kind of hurt and... i don't know, lonely. So they met each other somehow and were pretty tight for a while. I don't know. He had children of his own so my sister, myself, Merideth and Reece were mustered together while the two of them went on their... dates. As successful as my mother and Michael were, his children and us remained always in opposite corners of the room. Which was hard, though typical of me, because i had the biggest, um, crush on Merideth, but we remained at roomslength, my glances, brief though consistent, the only thing bridging us.
Anyway, Michael was cool, but obviously trying. He, along with mum, took Adrian and i to the Big Day Out in 1996, which was nice of him, even though he almost killed us driving there, and he always talked to me about music and and never pronouced his "r"s properly. He watched The Maxx with me while mum was working night shift, and he loved Ruby Wax. Yeah, he was ok, which could explain my mother's behaviour when he ended it: She destroyed her room, breaking windows and tearing clothes, screaming, broken, and did not come out of there for three days. Her bed had been upturned and she had been sleeping in its wreckage. I don't know how, or if, she ate. I asked her in its calm if she was all right and she told me one day i would understand. Gee, thanks. So far, so good. She hasn't been out with anyone since. I wish someone would take her out... and make it look like an accident.