New Layout!

Mar 18, 2007 22:03

It's all shiny! And McKay:D Don't you just love this Rodney header? I know I do!

Both layout code and Rodney header is by scifijunkie of geektasticons. And I am in love:D My Rodney looks so scrumptious!

graphics: lj header, graphics: layout

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Comments 14

poteidia March 18 2007, 21:49:14 UTC
Oooh, pretty! I love your new layout :D


el_gilliath March 18 2007, 21:54:19 UTC
Thank you:D


berlinghoff79 March 19 2007, 07:25:17 UTC
So, cool!! I'll spend some time looking at your header, if that's okay.*sigh*


el_gilliath March 19 2007, 21:14:06 UTC
Hehe, I don't mind. I do that too. Pretty, pretty Rodney *loves*


zia319 March 19 2007, 11:30:15 UTC
oooh pretty! *pets* oh and can I snatch that icon?


el_gilliath March 19 2007, 18:30:32 UTC
Thank you:D And yes, the iconis perfectly snaggable! Just credit icon_ascension for it:)


littlespike87 March 19 2007, 19:01:48 UTC

Yeah I love the new layout


el_gilliath March 19 2007, 19:15:40 UTC
Thank you:D That makes two of us!


littlespike87 March 19 2007, 19:26:06 UTC
I'm not that much of a Rodney fan even if I have only seen the first season and the first bit of s2...gosh I need to catch up on the series

*bouncy* I've got myself a SGA layout too


el_gilliath March 19 2007, 19:33:14 UTC
Not a Rodney fan?!? Oh lord.... Hehe:P

Yes you do, and it looks so nice!


sgkoneko March 20 2007, 23:56:06 UTC
Ahhh yes I saw those layouts! They do look quite awesome!


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