About time

Jan 04, 2007 17:58

Happy New Years everyone! I can't believe I forgot to post and wish you a happy new year, lol. Anyway, I hope all of you will have a fantastic 2007, I know I plan too:)

As a new years gift to myself, with help from the fabulous carmendove, I've given myself an LJ makeover. New layout, new header, new NFO banner, and a new default userpic. I gotta say, I'm very happy with how it looks:) I now have 3 of the lovely OTP's represented. House/Wilson in the header, House Wilson in the default userpic, whis is not snagable, Jack/Ianto in the NFO banner, and John/Rodney in the moodtheme. That makes me very happy:D

graphics: lj header, pairing: house/wilson, pairing: jack/ianto, graphics: layout, graphics: nfo banner, pairing: john/rodney, lj: carmendove

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