Well well well

Nov 22, 2006 00:22

Two posts in one night, what is the world coming too.

Well, to celebrate the return of SGA, my brand new cellphone which I recieved today and my love for John/Rodney, I have a new layout. Header and .css code by space_graphics and I am might in love with it:) *pets pretty header*

graphics: lj header, tv: stargate atlantis, graphics: layout, pairing: john/rodney

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littlespike87 November 22 2006, 19:23:13 UTC
Hot layout, Nina

*drools over seeing John*


el_gilliath November 22 2006, 20:14:10 UTC
I know, it looks fantastic:D I'm more of a Rodney gal myself, but John does look hot:)


littlespike87 November 22 2006, 20:59:14 UTC
We can agree on Daniel #1 of SG1


el_gilliath November 22 2006, 21:39:04 UTC
Hehe, that we do:)


littlespike87 November 23 2006, 15:04:48 UTC
I still love that icon

I'm starting re-runs of SG1 again soon


el_gilliath November 24 2006, 15:31:31 UTC
As do I:)

I'm getting Season 1 on DVD soon, then the only Seasons I don't have on DVD are two and nine. And of course ten, but that's still airing.


littlespike87 November 25 2006, 14:48:27 UTC
Oh that's cool that you are almost caught up on getting all the seasons. I brought my first boxset yesterday and it was s1 Dead Zone for $20


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