House de House

Oct 15, 2006 17:12

So, new layout again. And this time, it's featuring the cast of House MD, my new favourite show(though nothing beats Atlantis).
The header image is made by luminous_ink and I'm very much in love with it. The House/Wilson NFO banner is made by me, and I have a mighty crush on it. So go take a look!

el_gilliath el_gilliath el_gilliath

graphics: lj header, character: james wilson, character: gregory house, tv: house md, graphics: layout

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Comments 16

_ele_ October 15 2006, 16:04:49 UTC
Mmmm House! I love it!

I also love your icon.


el_gilliath October 15 2006, 16:22:53 UTC
Thank you, I have to say that I do too:D

The icon is made by _dennis_csi_ if you want to snag!


nekkidchick October 15 2006, 19:38:15 UTC
Oooohhh... I like it, Nina.

House is ♥.


el_gilliath October 15 2006, 19:49:09 UTC
*smiles* Thank you.

Yeah, House is very much love. Of course, I'm just adding another obnoxious, socialy akward genius into my list of loved ones *snort*


nekkidchick October 15 2006, 19:50:09 UTC
LOL... right??

I can relate to that. *winks*


el_gilliath October 15 2006, 19:51:28 UTC

Hehe, glad I'm not alone!


delennbr October 16 2006, 01:09:33 UTC
I liked the banner!!! Wilson is so cute :))))
House is my favourite show at the moment too :)


el_gilliath October 16 2006, 09:40:41 UTC
I know, Wilson is adorable:D But my fave will always be House. I love gru,py geniuses:D


hsapiens October 16 2006, 11:36:37 UTC
House! Excellent show. :) I've caught two episodes on T.V. and loved it enough to buy the first season on DVD. Alas, the significant other is "allergic" to graphic medical procedures on t.v. so I have to grab time when I'm home alone to watch.


el_gilliath October 16 2006, 15:49:18 UTC
Yes, it is:D I loved House after the first episode I ever watched, so yay for season 1 going on TV here now:D
Allergic? Can't stand the images and all that?


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