Tv Obsession

Sep 24, 2006 16:30

New layout! New Bones header made by me, and a new css code. I think it looks brilliant:S

el_gilliath el_gilliath el_gilliath

Also, I have come to some conclusions;
1.Daniel should wear black field clothes and a bandana all the time (Stargate SG-1).
2.John rocks my socks, but Rodney will always be my favourite no matter what (Stargate Atlantis).
3.I'll always like Atlantis better than SG-1, just because of Rodney because he is the best geek/genius ever, along with Zelenka.
4.If House ever changes, I'm never watching the show again (House).
5.Gibbs rocks NCIS, though Tony still makes me all giddy (NCIS).
6.Kyle will always be my favourite, even though I'm loving Shawn more and more every episode. Isabelle should just go lay down and never appear again (The 4400)
7.Angela and Hodgins need to get it on, as do Seeley and Temperance. Zack needs to find himself a girl/boy/whatever. I want to see how he is when he's deep in love! (Bones)
8.Farscape is amazing, Ben Browder in particular.
9.Supernatural season 2? Will be amazing, if we don't get stupid love stuff mixed up in it. That said, I don't want any freacking girl hunters!
10.Battlestar Galactica deserves so much love it's insane. Go Gaius!
11.T-Bag, you still make me go wild, even though you're horrible (Prison Break)

That is all for now. Thank you

graphics: lj header, tv: the 4400, tv: prison break, character: kyle baldwin, tv: bones, character: seeley booth, character: angela montenegro, character: anthony dinozzo, character: temperance brennan, actor: ben browder, tv: supernatural, character: zack addy, tv: stargate atlantis, character: rodney mckay, tv: farscape, sucks: isabelle, character: leroy jethro gibbs, character: shawn farrow, character: daniel jackson, tv: ncis, character: gaius baltar

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