
Apr 03, 2006 04:22

Got tagged by thewindcries a looooong time ago but I forgot! Silly me

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Strawberries
Cause when you have really sweet, juicy strawberries, it's teh sex!
Literary: Wincest/Padackles RPS Cause it rocks my pretty little world with it's hotness. We need more rimming fics though! rimming people, RIMMING!Audiovisual: CSI Cause seeing Eric Szmanda and George Eads solving crimes while I'm imagening teh hot!sex is more than enough for me to go crazy.
Musical: In Flames In Flames is a great rock band, who I adore! My best friend introduced me to them, and now I'm so hooked it's not even fun.
Celebrity: Jensen Ackles Alec McDowell. Dean Winchester. The eyes, the lips, the hair, the body! Need I say more?

Now I tag:-

tallisen emella littlespike87 la_folle_allure and noorie

to complete this same Quiz, Its HERE.

music: in flames, character: alec, obsession: strawberries, actor: george eads, character: dean winchester, pairing: nick/greg, lj: meme, pairing: jensen/jared (rps), actor: eric szmanda

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