I'm sorry but this is going to be mad.

Feb 25, 2006 06:43

I am a slasher. Big suprise. I read in a whole heapload of fandoms, with a whole heapload of pairings, and a whole heapload of different styles, and different views. And I'm okay with that, cause no two writers are alike. That's what makes it fun, that's what makes it exiting and that's what makes reading good. My newest OTP/obsession/whatever you ( Read more... )

fandom: wincest, actor: jensen ackles, pairing: sam/dean, lj: rant, pairing: jensen/jared (rps), actor: jared padalecki, tv: supernatural

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Comments 13

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el_gilliath February 25 2006, 06:10:32 UTC
Thanks, good to know that there are more out there that think the same way I do about it! Now I just casually mentioned it to a slaher friend of mine, who of course told it to someone else and suddenly there was a big discussion about me and my obsession. Now I know I'm obsessed, but to bitch and moan about it? Please, it's my life. and Wincest is hot. Period.

BTW, 'Lie To Me' is a yummy piece of fiction;)


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el_gilliath February 25 2006, 06:23:43 UTC
Not so many of my friends know either. Only my bestest friend, my boyfriend, my brother-in-law (who's straight but reads my stories for the fun of it) and my cousin who I introduced to slash. And I'm NEVER telling anyone else. Oh, they all do. I noticed that you wrote about Dean cleaning his gun? I agree with my entire heart, that is so hot you might burst.

*points to icon*Kinda like this? Lol:) It was really god actually, I like your writing style.


fetus_panic February 25 2006, 19:17:30 UTC
You go girl. Don't worry about liking incest. I'm quite fond of it myself. Not between my own family members, but there are just some brothers you wanna see making out. I get that, man-bro.


el_gilliath February 26 2006, 02:54:38 UTC
Right back attcha:) I've never been a biggie on incest fics, but this supernatural stuff has be going wild.


tallisen February 28 2006, 00:57:32 UTC
*hugs* Hey you're totally welcome to my lj any day. I've embraced Wincest and Jared/Jensen RPS so hard it exploded all over the damn place! ;) People who have problems about it need to shut the hell up and respect your opinions. *shakes fist at them* Sure it's incest. But it's fiction. *cough*andincrediblysexy*cough* So there! :)

♥ ya!


el_gilliath February 28 2006, 01:04:57 UTC
*hugs back* Oh I'll be visiting allright! Am already snooping around your fics, lol:) And what gorgeous fiction it is! RPS has always been good, but I never in my thought that Wincest would be so good. But two fics in, I was hoocked, and I'll be damned if I ever leave. Cause Supernatural is sex. Of the hot steamy kind. *drool* Very smexy indeed:)

You too love:) And that scene in your icon; Brilliant!


tallisen February 28 2006, 01:08:56 UTC
Hehe thank you! If you haven't found the link in my userinfo, I posted all of my work, except for my latest ficlet in lil_wincest.

Really, Dean and Sam are so very lovely together. Once you had a taste of them, you can never go back. *happy obsessive sigh* All we as fans can do, is help support one another and drag each other further in! :)


el_gilliath February 28 2006, 01:28:17 UTC
I know. Am snooping! Currently reading Grave Situation chp2. I love a bit of impersonating in the morning:)

Lol, sheers for dragging each other in:)


ana_of_lost March 12 2006, 14:47:53 UTC
What the hell? Who flamed my babes? I can't stand slash, but that's everyone's different opinions.

To the people who keep yelling at my girl.




el_gilliath March 12 2006, 14:53:22 UTC
You better listen to this girl, cause she's more of a bitch than I am. *grin* You rock liek whoa;)


ana_of_lost March 12 2006, 14:55:12 UTC
Haha. I try ;)


el_gilliath March 12 2006, 14:57:08 UTC
And succeed!


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