Lookit! I'm writing again! 5th of Taking My Fandom to Work

Apr 20, 2013 19:44

Title: The Dream of Happiness
Author: El-Gilliath
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tending bar ain’t always easy, especially not when you work with Arthur Pendragon.
Notes: This story is part of a series of one shots. The assignement was ‘Take Your Fandom with you to Work’. I decided to rise to the challenge, so I took my fandom to work as bartenders. At a gay bar. Enjoy!
Warning: BEWARE! Something that can be seen as dub-con appears in this chapter! It's not as the resipient does not mind but it is not discussed and should therefore be warned for.

Read series from the beginning


Read from the last chapter

character: merlin, tv: merlin, story: taking my fandom to work, character: gwen, character: morgana, character: arthur pendragon, fanfiction: my fic, pairing: merlin/arthur

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