Star Trek for the fucking win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 27, 2009 03:52

It is official. My beloved friends, I finally got to see Star Trek. Mind you, a semi good cam version of it, but still. I got to see Star Trek. I got to see Kirk, I got to see Spock, I got to see McCoy, I got to see Scott, I got to see Zulu and I got to see Chekov. All my favorite men, all there, all the time, aboard my favorite starship Enterprise. I cried, I laughed, I cheered, and by god I had fun.

While not the same as the original series, this Kirk had a totally different upbringing, and all the other characters were miles different than I thought they would be, but you know what? It worked. It worked so fricking good!

But seeing good old Spock saying "Live long and prosper", brought me right back to watching ancient re-runs of Star Trek on TV. This show started my Sci-Fi craze, gave it life. And by god it was good to see them again, even in brand new faces.

Once a Trekker, you're a Trekker for life.

character: leonard mccoy, character: pavel andreievich chekov, character: james t kirk, character: spock, character: montgomery scott, movie: star trek, character: hikaru zulu, actor: leonard nimoy

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