Dec 11, 2006 03:41
Ever feel like your bosses think your shitty job should be 100 times more important to you than you think it is?
So, Saturday was the semi-annual Anime Club Marathon, a ten-hour day of eating junk food and watching cartoons so crazy they could only come from Japan, complete with a raging, drunken afterparty at my house until 6 in the morning. Anime aside, it boiled down to a social activity with friends in the context of an event that only happens twice a year. I requested the day off from work three or four weeks in advance through the proper channels, and got the day off, fair and square. I come into work on Sunday, and the general manager asks, "So where were you yesterday?" I assumed they'd had some busy day or other drama on Saturday, and his unspoken words were, "You should have been here." Of course, I wasn't on the schedule nor was I obligated to be there, despite what he was implying. The conversation proceeded:
"On campus."
"Doing what?"
"Basically, sitting around with friends watching cartoons."
"You took the day off to watch cartoons?"
"Yes, it's an event that's planned twice a year at the end of the semester."
"But you don't even go to that school anymore."
"Yeah, but I still go to the club."
The conversation ended there, but even now, I'm dumbfounded as to why I had to be interrogated over my choice to take a day off (when I generally work six nights a week) and what I decided to do on that day off. (Sure, I volunteered the information, but I didn't think being honest would do any damage.) As if nothing short of an immediate family member's funeral could possibly be important enough to justify taking a day off. *rolls eyes* I'm not even management, and $7.75 per hour isn't enough to make the restaurant the #1 priority in my life. To think, I've already sacrificed so much, and this is how they treat me. Besides, the main reason I went back there in May after ditching graduate school was that I knew I could get time off to take some trips over the summer and do what I wanted to do. But if this is how it's going to be, the restaurant that was once a comfortable, familiar place where I could feel needed will become a prison. Perhaps it's time for me to stage a jailbreak and move on with my life. Anyone know a business in need of a pretty good Spanish speaker?