uh sorry heidi...i'm not a plagarist i SWEAR!

Sep 26, 2005 18:41

LJ Interests meme results

  1. big hunks:
    so noughaty and nutty and oh so good. except for the fact that they always get stuck in your teeth.
  2. dance offs:
    i've got a ghetto booty, enough said
  3. eric idle:
    brilliant man...although i'd have to say i prefer michael palin over him
  4. ghost world:
    one of the most underrated movies. this is when i respected/liked scarlett johanson.
  5. jason mraz:
    ok, so he is really main stream, but some of his earlier stuff is amazing lyrically and the ways the songs flow. it's kind of like emo rap.
  6. matt nathanson:
    i miss him playing at sweetwater. one of the funniest/sweetest people i've ever met.
  7. pearls:
    umm....they're so classic except when they're all plastic-y and over used with like neon pink tweed and weird ass polka dots. NOT COOL
  8. ron livingston:
    oh if only he'd gotten the memo
  9. stroke 9:
    hehe oh the good ol days of middle school
  10. the shins:
    i'm into them as much as i was pre garden state soundtrack

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