Back from Mega Con, the booth went really well. Had a lot of fun.
I met so many people, it was fantastic. I met Egoraptor and The Swain, two huge animators, and all around likable guys. We had tons of users at the booth, and I went to Miami as well. Little sad I didn't have time to visit the EverGlades, but I got to see my friend Chuck, and it was really crappy that the booth was so busy I didn't get a chance to hang out with him and his missus as much as I would have liked.
All in all, great idea going, don't I would have driven if I did it again, but I also visited my brother in Alabama, and my grandpa in Mississippi, so it's all good.
Did a beta test for Tankmen the Card Game, went over really well, had a decent amount of kids playing it. I'll have some more work to look into making it fully set, but the initial run is looking like 135 cards, which isn't terrible.
It was a long drive back. Anyways, been home for awhile, and currently enjoying Resident Evil 5 for Xbox 360, the completely unscary 5th installment of the game.
Have some art, and voice work I need to, but I suppose breakfast is first. Oh, and if you want, here's a video of me up about 450ft in a crane's bucket. There's photos available as well. My sleep schedule is completely wrecked currently, which is annoying, but I can't do much else to fix it.
Possibly pondering moving out of Michigan to look for work, saving up to deal with the inevitable crush.
If you actually read my stuff, my life's minutia is more detailed on my twitter feed, In other news, my friend Rig stopped a school arson attempt. I think this is one of the few postive stories out there.