(no subject)

Oct 22, 2008 02:50

Q U I C K F A C T S :

Don't call me Harry Potter, 'cause my name is H. Piddy.

yakko: you turning in?
wakko: to what?
yakko: good question!

[i never travel without my diary]
{one should always have something sensational to read in the train!}
--Oscar Wilde; The Importance Of Being Ernest

el_em_en_oh_pee used to have a decent profile page. (here). then she had a sucky one (here). Now it's worse, but whatever. :D

[testimonials (of a fashion)]
thisiamdenied: Special Knight of News! Defending the people from libel and inaccurate information.
orimornie: p. s. can it be sekrit tiems now
orimornie: im naked
el_em_en_oh_pee: oh man this is such a gwen stefani song
el_em_en_oh_pee: i am tempted to change my journal title to 'capitol_barbie made me do it :|' :|
capitol_barbie: that happens frequently.
el_em_en_oh_pee: capitol_barbie made me do it.
jadedoto: And Martin Luther totally posted the 95 Theses in facebook.
jadedoto: He was too cool for myspace
el_em_en_oh_pee: Gregory Goyle is the paragaon for post-Hogwarts interhouse relations. Fact.

give el_em_en_oh_pee more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

lmnop enjoys redoing her bio, layout, and interests with an obscene focus on the minutae. She's also rather into the following: speaking in third person, biology, ancient history, broadway, curry chicken salad sandwiches, yahoo!emoticons, steadfastly ignoring capital letters, and sometimes fandom.

She does not enjoy: the way her teeth look.

She is beginning to enjoy: mathematics.

lmnop is into fandom, though definitely not so much now as she used to be even a month ago. She really digs the pairing Ernie/Tracey. she also digs a lot of other stuff, and if you want to talk to her in a fictional context then there's always fics_of_arie, lmnop-in-fandom, or her fic email: [temporarily removed].

edit, in response to strikethrough 2007: el_em_en_oh_pee supports incest and pedophilia only in fictional contexts.
el_em_en_oh_pee is 18+ years old and over the age of consent.

BCS MPA1 TD+ EM+ HA+ PW+ HG- B++++++#QB M+-$ C+ FF+\FF+/FF+| EM|TD+!!! HA\PP!- HA|ZS+ SB|NL SB|ZS+ SB|ZS/NL- RW/DM- TL/JP MW\NM HA|DM- for your explanatory enjoyment! HA, of course, would he Hannah Abbott. !

HER CURRENT OTP IS ERNIE MACMILLAN/TRACEY DAVIS, WHICH IS AMAZING IN SO MANY WAYS ♥♥♥ (this has been mentioned but it is imperative to repeat it as much as possible. E/T is a pretty strong theme in this journal (case in point: seven related tags. oh yes.) but generally she's an omnishipper so if you can think it, she ships it. Only not Hermione/Ginny.

lmnop posts on filters (RL, fandom, various permutations thereof), but the only filter she reads on is the one that filters journals from communities when she's been away from the computer for Far Too Long. If she wants you in a filter, she'll put you in. If she doesn't, she won't. If she could go either way about it, she'll poll and see if you want to be in it or not. (polls are another frequent occurrence) IF YOU WANT TO BE HER FRIEND, do drop her a line (sad truth: she might not otherwise notice :( :( :(). she loves friends! Friends are a reason to drop more communities. ;)

PS, re: those communities: lmnop just has that many communities to ~confuse people~ (she only looks at the posts of maybe three of them with any frequency). The really important ones are denoted by hearts on this bio, or are Reese Witherspoon comms.

When in doubt, Capitol_barbie made her do it. other good people to blame are her dsfol (hecticity), her hippo (serpentqueen13), and that crazy _effervescent kid.

" />

she wants these.


IF AN ICON IS MISCREDITED, DO LET HER KNOW. dont.go.gentle @ gmail.com or just drop a comment somewhere :x


and because it's never enough!:

Create your own visitor map!

she adores the following people, etc:

(capitalization not guaranteed)
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