Update on my Grandfather

Nov 10, 2008 20:57

My Grandfather passed away on Friday November 7th 2008 in Kent County Hospital. I was there earlier that day when my family made the decision to take him off life support. He could no longer breathe without a respirator and to eat he would have to have a feeding tube soon. It was in his will not to be left on machines and we honored his decision because we didn't want him to suffer the pain he currently was. My grandfather never became senile and made this decision with us. Later I worried about my sister Kendra, she regretted never being able to say goodbye to him, and she had the choice to go with us when we were making the final decision and didn't. I think my sister wouldn't have be able to take it emotionally. We were at the hospital for six hours waiting for the doctor to come see us.

Today while at a family get together about my grandfather Kendra took me aside and told me the other night Gramps came to her in a dream and told her he was happy now. I was glad my sister had a chance to see him one last time.

My grandfather was a design engineer. His last job before retirement was at The  Hasbro Toy company (They design toys here in Rhode Island but mostly manufacture in China now). When I was little every time my Nana and Gramps came over to my house they would bring shopping bags full of toys from Hasbro. Many were prototypes and many were factory rejects (Toys that may not have been painted correctly but were fine otherwise.) Being the oldest grandchild and having my grandfather working for a huge toy company was pretty sweet.
Anyone remember Jem and the Holograms cartoon? Remember the toys? My grandfather designed almost all of the Jem line. You can find them fetching a hefty price on ebay now.

He loved to play chess and was known to cheat at games if he was losing. When he got a computer he became a Free Cell addict.  I only heard him swear once. When I was a kid we were driving in Warwick and some soccer mom chick in a van yelled at him and said something like "Learn how to drive Gramps." my Grandfather pulled up to her at the next light and said "Why don't you learn how to drive you dumb bitch." he then turned to me and said: "Don't tell Nana I said that."

I'm glad Sasha got to meet him at least once. Gramps always said that Sasha was afraid to meet him and my Grandfather would tease him saying he'd beat him in the ring (Since Sasha is a kickboxer). If they got the chance to play chess it would have been the battle of the century because the are both very good.

He was the only grandfather I knew. He was creative and could make anyone laugh. He will always be an inspiration to me and I will always miss him.

Harold Bryant
October 16th 1925 - November 7th 2008
 PS: I did get the chance to remind him of the memory I had that I mentioned in my last post about he and my Uncle Charlie. My Grandfather nodded and indicated he remembered. I was happy he did.


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