It's amazing what you forget you have until you have to dig it up. The other day I was gathering all the Road to El Dorado things I have so I can start work on the merchandise page for my site. Surprisingly I had more that I thought. Things that I thought I didn't think I bought. I won't say what those thing were you'll just have to wait until they all get posted on my site.
In other news I got really excited because this big sci-fi /comic book convention called
Jumpcon I may be thinking about going to (It's kind of expensive and their website is confusing) is going to have Edward James Olmos there. He was a recent addition to the convention, he's going because he stars in Battlestar Galatica. Here is a
link to his schedule in case he's coming to a city near you and you are interested in meeting the voice of Chief Tanni. I was originally considering going because of all the big Star Trek stars going but if I do figure out the site and I do go I'll be sure to tell anyone here and on my site just incase they want to join me (at the Boston convention), and of course I'll take pictures. But not sure if I'm going yet.
Lately I've been playing The MMORPG Age of Conan with my BF his sister and her husband. We have played many MMO's together and this is just the most recent. Well last night we had to stop in one of the main cities called Old Tarantia (We call it Old Tarantula.) And while running by I saw an NPC named Tulio, well I had to take a screen shot and I also picked up his quest. I did his quest even if it was very low level for me. Basically he sends you to a guy who tells you to talk to another guy who sends you to another and so on until someone says that it was probably Tulio's own son Little Tulio that stole his father's coin purse. It's basically a tour of the city quest for characters that just get there and don't know how to get around the large city. Little Tulio says "It's not stealing if it's from family right?" and also says that his father would spend the money on ale at the tavern anyway. So below is some screen shots: (Click the images to enlarge.)
If anything Tulio and Little Tulio both have blue eyes, and if you could see Tulio's hair it would probably be black. Unfortunatly Conan characters tend to look pretty ugly.
It's crunch time for my studio project (My senior animated film). I have 5 weeks left and lots to do. I have backgrounds to color, characters to animate, sound effects to find, special effects to make, and harass my cousin to send me some of his music files. In 2 weeks we have a 3/4 review where my teacher expects us to be 90% done (and not 3/4 the way done.) When it is done it will be posted on
my deviantart as well as
my youtube channel. I'm focusing on actually doing the bare minimum story for the class and adding in the extra shots and scenes after this big class is over. So far it's coming out pretty good, but it's good in parts and It's going to be a challenge to put it all together. It's because I am using 3 different programs to make it and one more to put it together. The characers are animated in Flash, the backgrounds are being colored in Photoshop, and special effects and some 3D camera work is going to be done in 3D Studio Max and it's going to be put together in either Primere or After Effects or both. So like i've mentioned before if you fon't see RtED updates yet....that's why.