O R’lyeh? Ya, R’lyeh.

Jun 15, 2010 18:09

I always knew there was something different about Michael Phelps.

And now, when I think of Lovecraftian horror, Dagon tends to come to mind even before great Cthulhu. It’s mostly due to Nile and their song, 4th Arra of Dagon. Below is the last, chanting part of the song - the whole song clocks in at just under 9 minutes. I /really/ like it when the chorus chants at about 30 seconds in.

(For you LJ /RSS feed readers, click here to hear the embedded clip)

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Painted and inscribed on flat stones
Abhorrent to the deep ones
Abhorrent to their great father
Is the symbol to guard against Dagon

Created by the elder things
Long ages past
To guard against Dagon and his spawn

No deep one will cross a threshold
That has the symbol painted upon it
No deep one will follow a path
That has the symbol upon it
No deep one will emerge from a beach
That is strewn with stones
Bearing the sacred symbol

By this sign those who dwell
Near their submerged city of cyclopean stones
Are not molested unless they venture into the waves
Where the deep ones exact
A terrible vengeance upon them


Originally published at Prosthetically Hip. Please leave any comments there.

hp lovecraft, amusing, nile, random, music, dagon, michael phelps

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