Julius: The Green Bondage Monkey

Jun 10, 2009 13:05

I recently did some laptop repair for an employee of Bicycle Michael’s, and in return, he worked on track bike. Working on my bikes is something I rarely feel like doing these days, and those wheels were in need of a truing.

Well, Jon did some great work - even went so far as to install a new chain and replace my handlebar tape.

Unfortunately, a resident prankster (let’s call him Centurian™ to protect the less-than-innocent) was caught while in the process of, uh, “accessorizing” Molly (the bike).

This bike has two “Guardian Angels” let’s call them. The most prominent is a green monkey that came with my most-awesome green tuxedo jacket (it has green velvet lapels!) named Julius. Julius has been affixed to this bike for a few years now, and it’s a wonder he has yet to be defaced or kidnapped.

Until now, that is.

Apparently Centurian™ (say that as Michael Palin in Life of Brian as you can) has a tendency to bring out people’s inner gimp:

He came back gagged, covered in electrical tape, and a 9v battery hooked up to his nipples.

Sadness. Perhaps I shall stwike the centuwian. Stwike him vewy woughwy. And fwow him to the gwound.

Originally published at Prosthetically Hip. Please leave any comments there.

bondage, amusing, crucifixion, bicycle, cycling, monkey, spicer cycles, green monkey, photos

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