
Feb 25, 2004 18:42

Four beverages you drink frequently
1. coffee
2. soda
3. juice
4. water

Five TV shows you liked when you were a little kid
1. Seasame Street
2. Bobbys World
3. Simpsons[still do]
4. idk
5. idk

Three places to go in your area
1. GT
2. friends
3. mall

Four things to do when you're bored
1. draw
2. sketch
3. listen to music
4. talk to people online

Four things that never fail to cheer you up
1. seeing c4m3r0n fall or get hurt
2. seeing glove get hurt
3. andrew obriens fake never ending love for jessica.
4. music

Four things you can't live without
1. shower
2. tv
3. friends
4. food

About ten years ago
1. I was 4
2. I was a Lego Maniac
3. I was very close with my bro [not that much anymore:( ]
4. I was a little kid running around a lot

About two years ago
1. I was 12
2. It was when i got into good music [thank you adam]
3. I was turning into who i am now
4. I got sharpened my drawing skills very much

About one year ago
1. I was 13
2. I was a loser
3. I was a big "freak"
4. I was listening to slipknot[that was mostly all i listened to]

1. School was gay
2. I have play DDR
3. I watched marco attempt to play DDR and he sucked badly
4. I wore no boxers

Seven things you love
1. Music
2. Video Games [DDR most]
3. Family
4. drawing
5. making simple graphics
6. talking to people online
7. certain people

Seven things you dislike
1. Girls with very very short hair
2. Girls with hair on them other than their head
3. People who are jerks, assholes, andrew obrien, etc.
4. People who say DDR is gay
5. Bitchy people
6. Sore losers
7. over confident people

Seven things on your desk
1. speakers
2. mouse
3. mousepad
4. my hands
5. my x-box[with controllers]
6. my ps2[with controllers]
7. heartagram outline that im gonna burn into my desk..or paint in..whatever

Seven facts about you
1. I am the circus
2. I dont like obrien
3. I only like certain people
4. I go out with rayna
5. I like to draw a lot
6. I love photography
7. I play way to much DDR, i played earlier and im going to play soon

Six things you like about the opposite sex:
1. a great personality
2. funny
3. spontaneous
4. wild[not like that you animals...well maybe..but no not like that]
5. Long[er] hair
6. Nice to the eyes

Four things you would eat on the last day of your life
1. fucking candy biatch
2. chinese food
3. everything i haev never tried before
4. a cyanide[sp?] capsule

Six celebrities you have a crush on (not in any particular order)
1. Amy Lee
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____

Four vacations you have taken
1. Disney World
2. Disney World again
3. Disney World yet one more time
4. New Hapshire, NASCAR thingy

Places I'm going in the next 6 months
1. everywhere i usually go
2. concert
3. high school
4. i might go to japan over the summer

Four things you'd like to learn
1. how to play DDR on oni
2. anything about more about computers
3. How to speak japanese
4. how to land a 540 cresant kick [i can alread do a 360 one]
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