This blog entry links to some pretty disturbing articles where our beloved (hated and despised) U.S. Attorney General proposes restrictions on what the press may publish, specifically in the context of if the government considers it sensitive information (any information that points out the administrations incompetence, disregard for constitutional rights, corruption, or generally anything that could possibly make them look bad).
And we are only half way into this term. It can't possibly end soon enough.
And on a somewhat tangential topic,
the very same blog has a good opinion piece spawned by a washington post article talking about how some religious folk are starting to not want to be associated with the religious reich, I mean right. Huh, guess those must be the folk that actually read the part where Jesus suggested tolerance and acceptance rather than the folk to busy trying to ruin Mr. Rodgers' funeral to take such lessons to heart. Some of the commentors are pretty asinine though.
~El Chupageek