there is so much i've felt i should say even if your heart would listen i doubt i could explain so here we are now...
So since the last time I checked in things were just going. Well in that area, things haven't changed. I am still not looking for that "career" that we all talk about getting once we graduate. I am still enjoying my life.
Since the last time I updated, a real one as some would call it was in August. Well I stopped working at OU and started working at....yeah that is TBD. I am still enjoying my promotions job at dvd. I did however have a two Sat. Night vacation to go to some sorority semi-formals, of which I had fun at both. When I wake up I run the errands not for me but for the house. I have been to a few concerts, a ball, and OU every Thursday for lunch with my ladies. Seen a few friends and made new ones. Life has been treating me really good.
I turned in an app to be a substitute teacher in Roseville Community Schools, I think that if I don't do anything concrete until after 3-4pm I might as well make money during that time.
Now to make this feel more like a meal instead of an appetizer of Joe's life the past few months I will let you marinate some things.
Family - good. Y'all know they mean the world to me and they are doing good. Mary is all about getting her stuff done to be a Pre-School Teacher Lady. Liz is gonna graduate with a Law Degree this summer(?). Mumma is doing good, loves her kids in her class...they are a good group, except one girl steals things. Daddy-O is doing swell making little wooden birds of some sort.
Friends - good. Meaning the world to me as well. All are good and I am trying my darnedest to remain in contact with the bulk of them. Some have fizzled, others are building, and some are on hold. Some that I do miss dearly are the ones that I graduated with and haven't caught up with in a while. I still have our graduation present to give them!
Oh well, I am off. Got stuff to do and gotta watch Must See TV Thursday on tape of course. p.s. Happy B-day SKD