Feb 12, 2006 03:37
It's a little after 3:30am here, my kids are asleep, my husband is asleep. Despite my better efforts I am not sleeping like them. It's not that I have a ton on my mind, or am stressed or anything like that. I've just screwed up my sleeping pattern since I've been sick and now that I'm not a zombie I cannot seem to get to sleep before at least 4am.
So I guess I can spare some time, since I'm up anyway, to update this thing.
I'm good, was sick, getting better now. Brett's good, despite getting in some trouble at school for flushing paper towels down the toilets because they "make a cool fart sound". Jacob is all over the place and at 10 whole months of age is trying to walk, although he hasn't quite got it down yet thank goodness.
I've been terrible about training for the bridge run, but hopefully will get back on track now that I'm starting to feel a little better. I had the whole flu like thing and I'm sure in a few days I'll be up at the MD getting inhalers for coughing but whatever. Asthma is fun isn't it.
I guess I have that to update about, I have to take more drugs than my Grandmother does and she's in her 70's. I literally take 5 pills a day now, and that's just an every day thing, not when I'm sick. Apparently having 2 kids had taken it's toll on my kidneys and they aren't liking me too much so I'm on a medication for my kidneys then I take Lipitor for cholestorol (sp) not that I have high cholesterol....nope for an average person it would be perfect 103 LDL but since I am diabetic they want it as low as possible to reduce risk factors for heart disease as much as possible so I have to get it to around 70 or 80 so I'm on that medication for 3 months. Plus vitamins, and birth control and something else....I feel like those little old ladies that used to frustrate the hell out of me at the hospital who would come in with their little slotted plastic thing with a million pills in each section that corresponded to a day of the week......now I am that little old lady with the slotted container sitting on my fridge.
On top of that I have the baby bug again. Adam's hating it and arguing like crazy, probably rightly so. I want to have a baby, and he's not so thrilled about the prospect. I'm not talking about popping one out tomorrow, even if I got pregnant now it would be months before I had it. I'm talking about at the end of the year or even late summer talking about seriously trying to have a girl. He'll get over it and I'll win, but it's just a matter of how long he will put up the useless fight. LOL At first when Id say something about wanting a baby he'd laugh thinking I was joking, the other day in Target he asked if I was serious and I said yes and he about shit himself LOL It was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Anyway enough for now, maybe I'll be able to get some sleep.
Later bitches LOL