Politics Shmolitics

Oct 26, 2004 02:08

I don't know why, but today I was listening to 710 AM Talk Radio and there was this guy on there talking mad shit about Kerry. Now, I've never really been one to get into the whole political scene, but lately I've been getting this vibe that if I don't get up and vote, I'll be just one of the many "votes that could've..." done something for my political party. I don't have a political party, but I do have a favorite. I guess it's just my competitive side. I've always had a favorite basketball, baseball, and football team. Yes there are times where my favorite team is influenced my a favorite player (i.e. Tim Thomas - Traded from Milwaukee Bucks to New York Knicks February '04), but I always like a team for what they bring to the table. I guess that's why I am not voting for Kerry. I'm not pleased with what I've heard from him. People will say, "Well, you haven't seen Farenheit 9/11" and I will respond by saying, "I haven't seen Bowling for Columbine either. Does that mean I don't know what the fuck happnened? No. It means I know enought about what I need to know." Fuck the whole, "Bush sucks, Vote Kerry" thing because that's like people saying, "I'm going for the Red Sox because I hate the Yankees." I hate the Yankees too, but I love the Red Sox and I want them to win because I like what they bring to the table. They are a team from a city I will one day visit or disappear to. I don't care if I do nothing but work a 9-5 job for a whole year. i just want a shot at Boston life. Take up some Celtic games. Have a brew and enjoy a fight at some Bruins games. I hate the Patriots but it'd be badass to see them play anyway in that cold ass snowy weather. In other news, I don't know what happened, but shit is real weird right now. I have practice with the girls squad from 3-6, then a game at 8:30 in Mission (Win or Go Home) and finally a game at 10:30 in Edinburg. I will be at Scala on Wednesday and if you knew any better, you'd be there too. Good music + drink specials = Thank You WTF.

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