Nov 28, 2004 13:22
And Grandma died last night. Quietly, but that wasn't really a surprise since she'd been getting Morphine injections every 4 hours since Friday morning. I guess, looking back, this was a pretty good Thanksgiving because when we went to visit her she was awake and alert, the only time she ever was since that second stroke. Went to visit Friday night and we couldn't wake her up, but at least everyone got to say their goodbyes on Thursday, so nobody's carrying around any regrets about not being able to do that. Well, nobody who went to see her anyway.
To be honest it was a relief that she died so soon after that second stroke, she didn't want to end up like this, and long ago she made everyone promise that if she did that we'd just let her die. She didn't want to be hooked up to any machines, so she got her wish at least.