Close your eyes. Clear your heart. Cut the chord.

Oct 06, 2008 17:43

This was one of those days that inspires me to write about it, even though it might not entertain others. You see, I view LJ not as a real journal, but a means of entertaining others. Whether it be by making them laugh, or through schadenfreude AKA making them feel better in comparison to your misery, or just to acknowledge you appreciate them. Or, you know, existentialism. Whatevs.

I went to sleep last night at 6AM-ish and woke up at 9:30. I was "working" on a project for art. I really procrastinated the whole time. As such, I didn't finish. So I was expecting a pretty sucky day. I got ready for school and drove off. I arrived at the parking lot and went back in forth in my head contemplating whether or not I would actually attend class. After convincing myself that the teacher would eat me alive, I went to park on the other side of campus. Luckily, fortune rewarded me for my cowardice AHEM I mean for my strategic retreat.

I was quite groggy, so my first stop was Starbucks. I really need to remember that I'm never going to like hot coffee. So anyway, I sat down outside with laptop and my vanilla latte and began my intended journey through the internet. I checked my grades for Art History and found out I got an A for my essay. The day's mood began to change. However, to counter this, I realized that they had mowed the entire school and that horrible smell overwhelmed me. I later tried to peacefully surf the web in an empty classroom, but the thought of a professor walking in stressed me to the max. At this point, the unimaginable occurred: I became bored of the internet. =O

I turned to my next two partners in skipping: my mp3 player and my legs. I can't really imagine what the people who saw me for next couple of hours must have thought of me. I had thrown away any care about my social status ever since I began college, simply because it was so big that there wouldn't be any far reaching effect if I were to, oh I don't know, begin strutting down the halls of the library lip-synching, air drumming, and walking to the beat. It feels really good, you should try it. Also check out "Human" by The Killers, great background song to the world. I was living in a music video.

By the time my next class started, I was in a fine mood. In Contemporary International Problems we talked about nuclear warfare. I won't even tell you what I learned today because you'd probably go mad with fear. Oh that reminds me of a note I took on the lecture: "Don't stop madness, improve it." It was pretty intense. I thought the day was probably at peak greatness, but then the professor told us our exam (which I haven't even looked in the book for) would be pushed back a week. EVERYONE IN THE CLASS WAS LIKE =D. The icing on the cake was that he then told us which chapters would not be on the test. That's going to save me a lot of time.

I would just like to thank the universe for being so nice to me today. As payment, I'm going to finish my art project right now and go to the next class. It's still the first half of the semester, so I can probably fix any problems this late project might cause. I'll go ahead and start giving people presents too. Well, this concludes my novel. I could probably write a book. I read the first 3 chapters of Twilight, it was pretty good. I can relate with the whole "being pale even though you come from a sunny city" thing. Also, you know, vampires and being up at night.

(- -)

If you read all this, you deserve a present.
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