Nov 29, 2006 17:39
i love the Christmas season!!!! last night i watched Charlie Brown Christmas while decorating my appartment! it was great! very cozy. and after i got my tree up and decorated, i turned off all the lights leaving the tree on and watched Christmas specials. i brought a tree in to work too, but i need an extention cord. and louie is being a very good boy, he hasn't tried to climb the Christmas tree yet! but i can't put presents under it cause he will eat the wrapping paper. i know this because there was a giant hole in eric's present last year where louie ate thru the wrapping paper AND the box. and he got into my wrapping paper stash (just left overs from last year) and he's ripped it to shreds. lucky for him, i didn't like that paper anymore. i need to print out a pic of louie to put on his stocking. yes, my cat has a stocking. and why wouldn't he! it never gets filled, but it's nice having a stocking to put up. but instead of over a fireplace, it's under a window. i got a new dress for the Chambers' and Arthur's Christmas eve parties. all i have to do is finish my shopping, and i'm all set. side note: Feliz Navidad = worst Christmas song ever...not a big fan. well, that one and that one song about the Christmas shoes. it's way too cheesy.
anyway...i think i'll make a list, i have't done one of these in a long time
dec 4-5 - mom comes up for meetings (and shopping)
dec 14 - uncle scott drops of belle (their cat), Trends banquet
dec 21 - Christmas pitch-in at work
dec 22 - high tail it outa here
dec 24 - Chambers' and Arthur's Christmas eve party, and 24 HOURS OF A CHRISTMAS STORY!!!
dec 25 - Christmas day, annual Christmas party at the Doades'
Jan 1 - come back to indy
sound good? i thought so