Re-Writing Sucks

Feb 02, 2012 12:11

Recently discovered/decided that the second half of my novel requires a pretty massive re-write, due to rushing and the author taking cop-outs because she is a lazy kamikaze writer who doesn't plan things out to begin with (oh, how convenient that there is a crazy cult group with the infrastructure already established to save the protagonists. Ha-HAH!).

I think the worst part is that, not only are you trying to get new stuff down, but you have to override the other stuff. For one thing, it's like you're trying to use paper you've already used before--there are faint words and lines that keep obscuring what you're trying to do. For another, you KNOW that some of what you've written is GOOD SHIT and you don't want to let it go.


The Author falls to her knees and holds onto the legs of those sexy, sexy action scenes. Wailing, "Nooooo, I won't leave you! You are beautiful and sexy and when I read you over my heart-rate goes up and I want to inflict you on the world!"

The Author's Good Sense, armed with a riding crop and wearing black latex, wedges a thigh-high stiletto boot between the Author and her favourite scenes. "Give it up, Author," he warns. "You're only hurting yourself by clinging. Yourself AND that scene."

The scene looks vaguely embarrassed and tries to edge away.

The Author sniffles, "But... I love it. Can't I just, uh, put some make-up on it? Put it in a new outfit?"

"No." The Author's Good Sense taps his riding crop in one gloved palm. "Back off now, sister. Let it go, unscathed, and one day it may return, fresh and new, and slide into whatever epic you're working on. It doesn't fit in here. It doesn't get along with the other scenes."

The Author looks up from the sexy scene's muscular thigh and toward the other scenes. Some of them look happy and well-lined up, though the ones nearby are growling at her action scene and it doesn't look much happier. Following it, the scenes start to look deformed and dejected.

The Author's Good Sense, noticing the Author's failing determination, presses his advantage. "It's cruel to put them together like this. You're just deforming your story. And for what? Because you like its wording?" He prods the scene's rock-hard and oily abs and makes an expression of distaste. "Let it go, create a new scene that'll play better with the others. This one will probably come back. Maybe with a new hairstyle."

The scene is shaking its head no, but the Author doesn't notice.

The Author breathes deeply and relinquishes her hold. "I... I guess you're right."

The Author's Good Sense snorts. "Of course I am. Now, get off of your knees and get back to work. Look at how much you have to replace." He swished her crop in the direction of the rest of the epic.

The Author looks at the long, long line up of scenes and starts to cry.


I guess you just have to let it go, drink a shot of whatever's in the cabinet, pull up the gorram boot straps, and remind yourself that you will write more good shit and it will hopefully get along better with the first half and also make more sense.

At least some of it is salvageable. I hope.

I don't suppose anyone else has this problem?


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