
Jun 12, 2012 22:55

Step One: Write a novel
Step Two: Edit novel
Step Three: Have close friends read novel
Step Four: Incorporate minor changes
Step Five: Query agents
Step Six: Realize with dawning horror that the main character has no past and no development, the minor characters are like cardboard cut-outs, and the Issues are glossed over with death-magic. The novel is arse. D:
Step Seven: Die.
Step Eight: Crawl out of grave, hunch over computer, install caffeine IV and re-write novel.
Step Eight-point-five: Ignore fiance, who complains, "Why do you always re-write your stuff?!"

Currently crawling out of the grave and wishing I could snatch my query away from any agent who might see it in all its arse-y glory.

*poses dramatically* I... will... persevere...

wrighting rl

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