Nov 01, 2004 17:33
This has been the worst past three days in a long time. Seriously, I'm searching right now for things to be happy about.
Early sunday morning, I was on the phone with my ex-girlfriend (not mary, the one before her). As many of you know I have mixed feelings for this girl. She gave me some information that upset me, a lot. As a matter of fact it very much alters my feelings for her, and our current 'relationship'.
Sunday afternoon a meeting was called of the praise band that I sing/play in, and also the early service band which I also sing/play in. We were informed that our relatively new minister of almost 2 years, who has done so much for the church, more specifically the contemporary worship in our church, is leaving. He feels that he is being called to another church. I am not sure what that means, more money, or maybe an actual calling. But I'm feeling hurt. Betrayed even. I was quite upset. I got up and left the meeting. Walked out. Cried for a bit. Jeff is a very close personal friend of mine, so to see him go is very hard. He'll be gone in december and our church will be in Limbo for a while.
Today in choir we had another substitute director. Well they made the announcement that our choir director has cancer (which a lot of people already knew) but that it was back, and doing a lot of damage. So we'll have different directors from now until our next concert, meaning we won't be as prepared. Plus a lot of us are also very close with Mrs. Corbin.
ah. I don't understand. Stuart's theory of threes seems to be present here. I hope this is where it ends.
What a day.